Facebook & Zynga Blog

A No Holds Barred Approach.

More Changes For Facebook Page Owners

Well page owners get ready to have more stuff removed from your Facebook Pages. It was bad enough when they removed they ability to invite your friends to the page, then they made it so your pages aren’t as visible in the feeds with out buying advertising now Facebook has announced that they are removing the Discussions App & Reviews features from the pages.

Here is the new message I got on my page. BTW my page looks different than your because I like to control what I see on Facebook and BetterFacebook allows me that. While only I get the changes it is good enough for me but if you want to control your Facebook try them. I love it and have no complaints with it.

For those of you who cant read it it say they are removing these features as of Oct 31st. Well you read it for yourself I am at a loss for words. This is what is going into the help center as Facebook’s answer to our question.

What happened to the Reviews and Discussions tabs on my Facebook Page?

We’ve found that the best way to encourage conversation and feedback is through posts and comments on your Wall. We’ve removed these tabs for now as we work on tools to help you moderate and filter content. Our goal is to help you can manage everything from one powerful place. Stay tuned.

On place pages with a location, fans can still write a recommendation for their friends or others from the right-column that says Recommendations.

Was this answer helpful?

Really !?!?! Some pages have important information in there for their members like I do. I could really care less about the reviews but other page owners use it as a guide to help them engage better with their members. It is the discussions app that bothers me most.

Who is Facebook to tell me these feature are useless ? While I appreciate some changes I dont like the rest of them. Ask us the page owners what we need to better engage our users and we will tell you. Facebook has stopped being a social network a long time ago and based on the current changes they are just a big Data collection site for big business now.

Now they are going to remove the discussion app for pages and how are your biggest customers, Gaming Companies, gonna take that Facebook. You have already made it impossible for page owners to engage their users by restricting postings, their page visibility, the ability to invite people to their game/page from the page, you have also removed the updates feature so now they cant communicate with our members. Whats next ???

Did you know Facebook? Most pages close their walls to keep their members safe from spam and viruses that you cant control and use the discussion app as an area that the members can use to to actually discuss thing and socially engage with each other. Nah!!! You are a bunch of engineers and dev heads, you dont think of the people only what you can make, that in your eyes, look kool. Wake up will ya !!! Listen to the people and you wont have to keep dolling out millions in legal fees.

Dont go to the light and come back to being a Social Site again or you may find yourself in MySpaces boat a big site with no one on it.

Any way the changes are coming just thought I should let you know.

September 29, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | , , , | 1 Comment

Mafia Wars Releases 426 New Giftable Loot Items

Ok Everyone Mafia Wars has released 426 new loot items. Items are now giftable with an attack or defense of 85 now. Here is the reprint from The Official Mafia Wars Blog. Happy Gifting everyone. 


We are happy to announce that we have heard your feedback and have increased the level of loot that you can gift! We’ve added 20 levels of awesome items, increasing the ceiling from 65 to 85! Making 426 more items giftable is something we’re excited to do as part of Mafia Wars’ 3-Year Anniversary Celebration! Now’s a great time to dig into your inventory and share the loot!

– The Mafia Wars Team

September 27, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 2 Comments

The New Show Is Up / The Facebook Changes

The Show Is Up / We went over the new Facebook changes that everyone hates as well as the hoax Facebook will be charging not to mention al the issues with Mafia Wars, Farmville & the other games the players are now all complaining about right here on the #1 Social Network Show on BlogtalkRadio.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thefacebookzyngapodcast/2011/09/26/the-facebook-zynga-podcast 

If you want to keep up on the latest Mafia Wars & Facebook news & scam alerts then just join our fan page lots of good stuff there to keep you informed and safe.  And feel free to ask questions on our wall & we will try to get you answers.  http://www.facebook.com/TheFBZyngaPodcast 
Hey everyone want to have our show at your fingertips well then get it on your android phone just go here and download our new app FREE for your phone. You will even be able to listen to us live via your phone while we are doing the show LIVE. http://www.appsgeyser.com/getw​idget/The+Facebook+and+Zynga+P​odcast 
I always forget to let you know but you can get our show on iTunes just go to the store and download it FREE right to your phone, iPod or into iTunes itself. http://itunes.apple.com/podcas​t/the-facebook-zynga-podcast/i​d413972114 
Dont forget we have a Radio station  on the Krykey Radio Network called Social Network Radio for you to listen to as well.  Social Network Radio is the Home of Classic Rock, Country, Pop & Metal all Commercial Free 24 Hours A Day. So make sure you join our Fan Page &  tune in  http://www.socialnetworkradio.​info/default.html 
We even made it so now you can take the radio station on the go with you by making an application for your Android Phone just go HERE to download the FREE app.

September 26, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | Leave a comment

Facebook Charging Message Is A HOAX / NOT TRUE !!!

OK everyone I dont normally comment on crap like this but my wall, Inbox & Skype are exploding with this crap so I am going to say this once and only once.


Every time Facebook makes major changes to it’s site some disgruntled people put this message out to drive people away & scare people from using the site to get back at Facebook because they don’t like the changes. 

While I agree the changes are drastic they really aren’t that bad except that stupid Real Time Activity feed I could do with out that but I hate to admit it but it does help me remember some things going on that I keep meaning to check out but anyway The messgae is a HOAX & NOT TRUE so please stop reposting it.

Dont know what message I am talking about well here it is. 


As you can see it is the stupidest message ever but people believe it unfortunately. So now you know it is a fake and I will not talk about it again. If you want to keep up on the REAL FACEBOOK NEWS then join my Fan Page and I will keep you properly informed you can even join My other Fan page Social Network Radio as I will keep you informed there too. 

This message is driving people crazy and is almost as bad as my April Fool Blog that lit up Facebook & The game companies switchboards. So Remember this message is NOT TRUE AND PLEASE STOP POSTING IT AND CAUSING PANIC.

That Is All.  

September 25, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 5 Comments

Major Changes On Facebook & More Coming

As you have seen there has been a major redesign to Facebook and well more are coming. And the one change everyone will hate more than the live ticker is a major redesign of your profiles. I got it trust me you wont like it at first until you get it where you want it to be.

Lets start with what Facebook did first. They came out with new friend lists to make it easy to organize all your friends into what are know as lists. Now lists are nothing new as I have been using them since they came out with them but now they made them a prominent feature. To be honest with you I love this as I can now have people where I want them and can view those people posts right there which is great especially for family posts. Now my family doesn’t get lost in all that I do and in the main news feed and as most of you know I am always busy with multiple things. To read more on this just click here and it will explain more about it.

Yes the friends lists will take time and effort on your part to set up but it is well worth it in my opinion. And a kool thing is that Facebook will give you suggestions on who to add to what list and if you don’t want them in that list just X the suggestion out and when you run out of suggestion just refresh the page and more will appear. Plus if you dont see them in the suggestions just type their name in the add to list box and their profile will show up to add.

Next they came out with another nice feature called Subscribe where as you can subscribe to people you want to see updates from. Now this is actually good because you DON’T have to be friends with the person to subscribe to them and see their updates.  To she those updates just go to you own profile and you will see on left hand side who you subscribed too tab click it and you and see it all. Now the new profiles don’t seem to have them there but I am sure they will be added in.

Now here is the thing that most everyone hates, they also changed the way our Facebook home page looks, drastically. They have removed the top news & recent news and combined them all together and basically tell you what the top stories are in the order THEY feel you would want them.

They have also removed the drop down so you could go look at, lets say, pages, photos, statuses, links well you get the picture. It is all lumped together on the main feed so if you have extremely active friends and play games good luck finds stuff of interest like important breaking news from oh I don’t know, CNN.

They are not going back to the old way so forget about it this is Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of the future and well it is his site & company. However to get you feeds back to chronlogical order try this trick or workaround.

Go to your “Account Settings” top right, and then go to “Notifications” at the left. At the top right is a box that says “Email Frequency”. “Un-Check” that box and your feeds will show all the posts again. Then go to your home page and anything in the “Top Stories” click on the down arrow in the upper right and “unmark as top story” – now your newsfeed will be setup by timestamp rather than randomly picking “top stories”.

Also if you want to a special section to see only your pages posts well I have a trick for you there too. This will take some work on your part as Facebook wont do it for you or even help you do it.

First now that they added lists for friends, well pages count as part of your 5000 friends total you have this option available to you. Go to your Facebook Home Page on let side it will show a tab that says LISTS over mouse by it and the more button will appear click it. Now a new screen will pop up with a complete list of all your friends lists, well now in top right section of it there is a button that say create list, click it. Now you can name it Pages and now this is where the work part comes you have to go to where it says add friends on right side and type in the pages you are member of. YES it is tedious and time consuming but it is well worth it as if you do it you will now have a tab where you can go get your new updates, fan page updates.

Now just so you know it does add all the pages for some reason but I was able to add 90% of them plus I was also able to add friends who use their profile as fan page to it so I don’t miss them as well. Very nice trick but as I said it take time & effort on your part to get it done.

Now here is the thing everyone hates the most, The Real Time Activity Ticker. Yes I agree it is very annoying and distracting. It tells you what all your friends are doing and and this will have game & app developers very mad cause Facebook  is going to be hurting them in the future with this feature. But I will get to that next, there is no way to control this in any of the Facebook settings meaning you cant remove it your are stuck with it as this is what The Zuck wants.

The game companies and app developers as well as all gamers are going to be pissed in the future with this as now posts for help and so on in the games are going to be added to it and while the posts will go to your profile it will not be going to the news feeds that we all use. And basically the activity ticker on all the apps & games are basically useless cause all they tell you is that someone is playing using that app not real game news. Hopefully they do change this as these new post will be on the home page a completely seperate page than the game so people will not be able or have to hope someone goes to their wall to see the post.

Zuck revealed this at the F8 convention today so this does not look good for them and us gamers unless Facebook changes the way the current game ticker works.

Now there is a chrome app that helps you remove the real time activity ticker on the home page and while that is good it is not good for other who use a different browser or even a different operating system. Well I found a great one and it give me complete control over my Facebook account and lets me see what I want to see and it is really easy to install and use. It is called Better Facebook Browser Extension  and I will be honest with you I love it.

It lets you remove stuff you dont want on your Facebook Home Page as well as removes the game ticker and ads and it also add stuff you want to see. Also a bonus is that it let you add themes to your account which I love and the themes carry to anywhere you surf on Facebook. Now this will only be visible to you your friends wont see what you see but hey it is all about you and making your Facebook experience better. I cant explain it better then them so check it out and I have also found it to be safe as my anti virus hasn’t picked up anything from it or given me any warnings. Here this is what my Facebook looks like now since I installed it with the theme I wanted.

It also added something I like as I have alot of pages it gives me a list of things on left side with my pages and other stuff I wanted all in alphabetical order. But anyway I like it and it solve my issues.

Now Facebook has also announced a major redesign of our profile is coming and I know most will hate this. I got it already as I am a app developer and this will take alot of work on our side to get it right. I have just started playing with it so I will do another blog on this and the new features coming too such as music sharing & watching movies right on sit. Yes I know alot to digest but I will work on it all and find work arounds and give you all you need to be properly informed so watch for my Part 2 coming on the changes. For now I leave you with the picture of what the new profile will look like and remember this will be phased in to us all over the next few months whether you want it or not.

September 22, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 4 Comments

Rollbacks Done

Rollbacks Done !!! 

Well as I reported yesterday in my blog there were rollbacks coming and well they came as promised. This rollback was expected and in my opinion needed. 

Here is what happened when Zynga open up Chicago for the first time yesterday there was an unexpected side effect. When you robbed someone you got a TON of skill points & leveled big time to boot. Look at what happened to me after just 2 Rob All’s in Brazil.

I was a Level 1437 before I robbed and look how I jumped up. Yes it was just regular game play no special thing done here and it effected many players, some who then proceeded to spend all the skill points on their attack, defense, energy, health & stamina and have fun beating people up or trying to finish jobs hoping it would not be noticed. It was noticed LOL.

I was rolled back to my original level and surprisingly I didn’t lose anything all as they put thing right back to where they were. So they are getting better at this, I guess with all the practice they have had lately. Now some may find this to be wrong and some may not be as lucky as I was and will have things change on them but wait there’s more Zynga also gave to those people who did get rolled back 50 skill points & 50 Reward Points + 10 Cocktail Waitress for the trouble and inconvenience this has caused.

If you did have this happen to you at least you were compensated a bit. You will not get anything back from the time after it occurred such as job progress but at least this time they got a little better gave us something for our troubles and like I said some may still have other issues so I recommend if you do please go directly to the support page and contact Zynga so they can look at your account and fix what needs to be fixed. 

And just for the record NO I am not happy this occurred as I have been seeing this happen way to much lately and believe me I have let them know it. I also know you are not happy about it either. It is time Zynga does more testing before things are release and to be quite honest they should of held off on the release until all the other game issues were addressed but the number are dropping really fast as the Daily players has now dropped below 900,000. 

I REALLY think it is time for them to stop and ask us players what we want done in the game and the DO IT !!! But this is Zynga and they will do what they want. Which really sucks the big one. Dont worry I will keep fighting for you all and who knows maybe myself and some other players will get through one day. Time will tell but is there really much time left. 

September 20, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 1 Comment

The Show Is Up & New Rollbacks Coming Real Soon

*** The Show Is Up *** We are back with a packed show & lots of changes to Facebook & more changes with Mafia Wars and we talked about the major bug that occured where players were removed from their families by other players. You wont want to miss this one on the #1 Social Network Show on BlogTalkRadio. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thefacebookzyngapodcast/2011/09/19/the-facebook-zynga-podcast 

Rollbacks Coming REAL Soon !!! 

There was a major bug when Zynga release Chicago temporarily for certain players which resulted in Chicago being pulled. It seems when you went to do a Rob All your were not only clearing the board but you were being rewarded massive amounts of  skill points and multiple levels.  Some people went up over 10,000 levels and were rewarded well over 100,000 skill points. I was alerted by another player during my LIVE show and tested it and went up 9900 levels and had over 60,000 skill points after only 2 Rob All tries in just 2 clicks. 

Needless to say I already spoke to Zynga and they assure me Rollbacks are coming soon to fix this. So yes I will be rolled back too but I knew that would happen. So be aware they are coming tonight. But it was fun while it lasted.  I looked great on paper LOL. 

Dont Worry you are only being rolled back if you got the glitch regular players who didnt get it should be unaffected by it. 

If you want to keep up on the latest Mafia Wars & Facebook news & scam alerts then just join our fan page lots of good stuff there to keep you informed and safe.  And feel free to ask questions on our wall & we will try to get you answers. http://www.facebook.com/TheFBZyngaPodcast 
Hey everyone want to have our show at your fingertips well then get it on your android phone just go here and download our new app FREE for your phone. You will even be able to listen to us live via your phone while we are doing the show LIVE. http://www.appsgeyser.com/getw​idget/The+Facebook+and+Zynga+P​odcast 
I always forget to let you know but you can get our show on iTunes just go to the store and download it FREE right to your phone, iPod or into iTunes itself. http://itunes.apple.com/podcas​t/the-facebook-zynga-podcast/i​d413972114 
Dont forget we have a Radio station  on the Krykey Radio Network called Social Network Radio for you to listen to as well.  Social Network Radio is the Home of Classic Rock, Country, Pop & Metal all Commercial Free 24 Hours A Day. So make sure you join our Fan Page &  tune in  http://www.socialnetworkradio.​info/default.html 
We even made it so now you can take the radio station on the go with you by making an application for your Android Phone just go HERE to download the FREE app.

September 19, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 2 Comments

Chicago Coming Soon / Added To Travel Bar

Chicago Is Coming Real Soon !!!

As you know we were getting a new destination and it was Chicago. Well looks like the hype has started and we wont have to wait 3 Months like they tried to say as it can possibly come as early as the end of this week or right after the Brazil secret mission is over in 6 days. If you go to the TRAVEL BAR you will see it has been added already so that usually mean less than a week. 

So get ready for it sounds like a new way to play as I see they are employing Crews into the mix but we will have to wait and see what happens and for now here is what the Official Mafia Wars Blog has put out on it. As more news come out i will get it to you all. 

Chicago Coming Soon!

Joe Castellano

My name is Joe Castellano. You just caught a glimpse of my little town; a place where one can become a legend. And here’s the whole picture. There are plenty of opportunities, for those who know where to look. But at night… in the wrong part of town… with no friends around… Who’s got your back?

Mafia Wars Chicago Wallpaper

September 14, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 1 Comment

The Show Is Up / Cuba Closes & Family Timers Changed

*** The Show Is Up *** We went over the Early end of Cuba and the new secret district coming in it’s place in Brazil, we also talked about the teasers of Chicago MW keeps putting out, The Family Timers Changed to Daily timers we also talk about the new properties out and the issues players are having with them not to mention what Facebook is doing. So tune in and enjoy the #1 social networking show on BlogTalkRadio.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thefacebookzyngapodcast/2011/09/12/the-facebook-zynga-podcast 

If you want to keep up on the latest Mafia Wars & Facebook news & scam alerts then just join our fan page lots of good stuff there to keep you informed and safe.  And feel free to ask questions on our wall & we will try to get you answers. http://www.facebook.com/TheFBZyngaPodcast 
Hey everyone want to have our show at your fingertips well then get it on your android phone just go here and download our new app FREE for your phone. You will even be able to listen to us live via your phone while we are doing the show LIVE. http://www.appsgeyser.com/getw​idget/The+Facebook+and+Zynga+P​odcast 
I always forget to let you know but you can get our show on iTunes just go to the store and download it FREE right to your phone, iPod or into iTunes itself. http://itunes.apple.com/podcas​t/the-facebook-zynga-podcast/i​d413972114 
Dont forget we have a Radio station  on the Krykey Radio Network called Social Network Radio for you to listen to as well.  Social Network Radio is the Home of Classic Rock, Country, Pop & Metal all Commercial Free 24 Hours A Day. So make sure you join our Fan Page &  tune in  http://www.socialnetworkradio.​info/default.html 
We even made it so now you can take the radio station on the go with you by making an application for your Android Phone just go HERE to download the FREE app.

September 12, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | Leave a comment

What Is Happening With Mafia Wars & Gift Limits Back

There is alot of stuff coming this week & next week and this is what has been confirmed so far.

Lets start with this I started a thread on Get Satisfaction to get a special loot item for the Hurricane Irene Victims. It looked like it got forgotten despite the outcry from the players, well Zynga is finally doing it !!! It comes out Friday and it will be called a Rescue Chopper and all the proceeds collected go directly to the hurricane victims. So when it hits the game please buy at least 1 as this is one piece of loot I can endorse to buy as it goes to a good cause and not Zynga’s pockets.

The Boss Fight Nerf as it is being called was implemented because Families figured out the strategy of beating it very fast and were basically farming the high end loot items throwing the balance of the game off as some players were getting too strong compared to others. Zynga states a timer was supposed to be put in but wasn’t so now they added one to make things fairer but they also made it so if you want to beat the boss and get the loot you can pay 25 RP to bypass the timer so basically you will have to pay for the loot now if you are farming.  From what I hear there will NOT be a rollback or adjustment because of this as it was Zynga’s stupidity not the players fault.

POWER PACKS are a big issue in the game and with the players right now.  Some players have them, some don’t, some had them and had them taken away and others just flat out never had them. This has turned into a FAILED Experiment for Zynga. The Power Packs were fine and a stable feature in the game and all they had to do was finish up the full roll out to the other 50% of the players or other 500,000 LOL, and everyone was happy with them.

If  Zynga did do the full roll out as they were 125% every 8 hours and then changed it to 100% the players would of been fine after bitching a bit but the way they EXPERIMENTED on the players just pissed everyone off. Well now we hear they will be rolling them out again to everyone but now they will be 50% Power Packs every 8 hours. So I guess this was their solution so they didn’t lose too much money, well something is better than nothing. NOW GET THEM OUT TO THE PLAYERS ALREADY !!! 

We will also be having a New Mission & Secret District next week right after Cuba closes again. The Mission will be called Lead Into Gold & the Secret District will be called El Darado. As you can see they are both themed with GOLD. From the looks of this it should be another high energy Brazil event. Hopefully it will at least have loot that is worthwhile.

Next week we should also have some new fight stuff but details were kept sketchy But the guys on the Mafia Wars Live recorded edition. They tried to do a show Live but had audio issues again and had to record it.

They will also be adding a new build-able property to New York called Hawkeye Sports Bar later today. This property you will have one week to upgrade it as high as you can you can and the rewards will be a craft-able loot item that will offer rewards based on how far you upgrade it and it one of the rewards will be SKILL POINTS. So basically you will have to spam your friends for the needed parts and this will be a weekly thing as they will have a new one each week for now. The items for the first property dont look that great for the higher level players but we will see what skills they provide to see if it worth it to spam our friends. But there will be a problem and that brings me to our next thing up.

FACEBOOK has eliminated the Unlimited Gifting we have all grown to love. So now we are limited to sending out 26 gifts a day from the game AGAIN. THIS IS NOT A ZYNGA ISSUE IT IS FACEBOOK BEING ANTI SOCIAL AGAIN !!!  So I hate to say it but you may have to use the bookmarklets to get your gifts needed for the new properties coming out and the Family Progression goals you need to hit which brings me to our final thing.

Now According to the Mafia Wars Loot Lady the Team Spockholm will finally be coming out with their own version of a toolbar. Their toolbar is almost ready for release and will incorporate most of their popular bookmarkelets in one nice and neat location.

It will not unframe your game it will just be added right on the screen with the game with a droppdown with the bookmarklets like gift-a-nator, switch, get-a-nator & much more in it. The only thing in my opinion that would make this a perfect toolbar is if they add the MW toolbar to it so we can get out mini pack bonuses, a version of chucker to gift our family and friends and bagman mugger to collect the gifts easier.  And make it so certain features pop open a new game screen so we can use 2 bookmarklets at once. Now I dont endorse bookmarklets but if this works as good as it looks I will.

Graphics Courtesy of the MW Loot Lady

So that’s it for now if  as things break I will get you the info everyone. Have a good Day !!!

September 8, 2011 Posted by | Blogs | 1 Comment