Facebook & Zynga Blog

A No Holds Barred Approach.

Family Module Q & A / 411

Zynga has finally put out a 411 on the NEW Family Module. It has been a smooth roll out thanks to Zynga getting some Family leaders together along with PAC to do testing on it before its full release. Alot of the major bugs have been fixed before hand but of course upon release some new ones have come up and are being addressed.

Here are some things some of the Family leaders have been asking. 

  1. There is currently an issue that even if you turn off the recruitment feature you are still getting requests from people to join your family. ( Zynga is aware of this and is addressing it) 
  2. There is an issue where the new tags do not show up when you go to post ices or kills or in the player updates. ( This is being worked on by Zynga and should be fixed soon)
  3. There is no way to give your admins the titles you want in the new module. ( This is being worked on by Zynga)
  4. You can only join one family a day ? ( We are asking Zynga to remove this feature durring this BETA period )
  5. There is a limit of 100 tagged members will it be expanded. ( Zynga is working on expanding this ) 
  6. How many admins can we have in our group?  ( This has just been expanded to unlimited you just promote them to Underboss and they are an Admin ) 
  7. We dont have a leader our family is run by council is there a way to change the title of to just reflect them as an admin? ( This is something zynga is working on so you will be able to give them whatever title you want )
  8. I set up the family for my GF/GM and I need to make them the leader can I do that ? ( Yes, next to their picture is a green arrow to promote someone just click it to promote them to take over ) 
  9. My members messed up the name change and had to pay for a new one to get it right is zynga compensating people ? ( That is a customer service issue and I dont know BUT I have heard they are showing compassion and have been trying to help players with this ) 
  10. I cant figure out how to remove unwanted members or people who I let in by mistake can you help ? ( Yes, just go to your family page find the person you want to remove and next to their picture is a red x click that and it will remove them from you family )

This is just a sampling of what some family leaders / admins have been asking I am sure there many more questions some of you may have about this.

Feel free to contact me anytime, YES, I AM ALSO A PAC MEMBER and you can also get access to 2 more PAC members, Joanne Doane Sweeney & Tre’ York, by posting on our Podcast Fan Page and we will try to get you answers to your questions. If you use Skype you can also add me as a contact and I will try to answer your questions there too. My Skype ID is : johnsweeney65 Now please understand one thing please I am only one person I don’t speak for all of PAC or even Zynga all I can do is forward your questions to Zynga to get answers for you if I don’t have the answer cause I don’t know everything. I do try to make myself available to all players who need help and do try my best to get to everyone in a very timely manner so please bear with me. If you want I can even add you to my Skype room so you can ask questions there, if you want to be added there just request that when you send me a Skype contact.

I have put out other info on this feature you can go to this one and if you want go to this one for more info on this NEW family module. Mafia Wars has put out a FAQ on this feature and I have reprinted it below and you can click the link below to view it on their site.

Family Tools FAQ

Updated 06/10/2011 at 01:29
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A ‘Family’ or ‘Crime Family’ is a term often used to describe a close group of people who are involved in similar activities and who help and protect each other.  And now Mafia Wars makes your Family legit!  Use the tools you need to manage your Family from within the game.  Join an active Family to work, war, and stand together, or start your own family!

Q:  When was this feature launched?
A:  This feature was released on 06/09/11 and is available to all players who are level 25 and above.

Q: Why should I join a Family?
A: Families are made up of active players with a common goal. Members help one another by giving advice, protection, sending gifts, and grow their Mafia. Families will also be able to access exclusive features like in-game chat, which is coming soon.

Q:  How do I go join a Family?
A:  If joining a Family is what you are looking for, then you can search through all of the Families registered with Mafia Wars. You will be able to view a Family member’s stats such as number of wars won, ices, and jobs done to help you make your decision.

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Q:  Will I be able to see other members attack, defense, stamina, and health stats?
A:  No.  This information remains private, and you will not be able to see this information.

Q: How will I know if I’m part of a Family?
A: Once you have asked to join a Family, the Godfather or Godmother will review your request and send you an invitation through the Zynga Message Center. You must accept this invitation in order to join the Family.

Q: Do I have to be a Facebook friend of a Family Leader to join a Family?
A: No. If your request is approved by the Family Leader, you will be a member of the Family.

Q:  How do I start my own Family?
A:  To start your own family and be the Godmother/father you need to begin by going to the ‘My Mafia’ tab, and then click ‘Families’.

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There are numerous perks to being a Family leader:

  • Create a unique Family tag
  • Recruit new members
  • Approve all Family members requests
  • Post personalized daily messages that only your Family can view
  • Promote members to officers
  • Demote officers or boost members from your Family

Q:  How much does it cost to start a Family?
A: The cost is 50 Reward Points. As Family leader, you will be able to access upcoming exclusive features and leadership perks.

Q:  What are the members of my Family?
A:  The Family leader is the Godmother/father, followed by the Underboss.  Each of the other members are listed as a Soldier.

Q: As Family leader, how many members can I promote to officers?
A: You can promote as many members to Underbosses as you want.

Q: What are the responsibilities of an Underboss?
A: Officers have the ability to invite new recruits, remove Soldiers form the Family, and chang ethe Family’s message of the day.

Q:  What is the role of the Soldier within the Family?
A:  As a soldier, your role is to help others in the Family and perform enforcement tasks to protect the family.  Work your way up within your organization to get promoted to an Underboss.

Q: Is there a limit to how many members can join a Family?
A: Currently the limit is 100 per Family. This limit may be adjusted in the future as more members opt in.

Q: Does it cost anything to join a Family?
A: No. If you are accepted into a Family, you will also be able to change your name for free. This offer is only valid once.

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Q:  What if there isn’t a Family that I would like to join?
A:  By clicking the ‘Start Your Own Family’ button, you will have the option of creating your own Family.  It’s true that blood is thicker than water.

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Q:  What is the Message of Day?
A:  The Message of the Day is a statement that the Godmother/father can present to their family each day.  This message is viewable only by the members of the group.

Q:  Can I paste links into the family description?
A:  No. You can past a URL, but clickable links are not allowed.

Q:  Will there be Family Tags?
A:  Yes.  When you join or create a Family, your organization will be identified with red tags that appear before your Profile name.  Make sure you get tagged so your rivals know who they’re dealing with!

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Q:  Are the Family Tags unique?
A:  Yes, the tags are unique, so be the first to claim your own creative signature!

It’s true that blood is thicker than water!  Whether you’re ready to start your own Family or join an active group this is an excellent way to get help for all of your Mafia needs.  When in need, you can count of your Family to send you loot and items that you need to level up, and they will be there to respond to your call of help in wars, fights, operations, and finishing those jobs!

June 10, 2011 - Posted by | Blogs


  1. zviziawvxlky

    Comment by xvvvimgbowga | April 15, 2013 | Reply

  2. John, and other PAC members:

    It sure looks like Zynga as rolled out the “in game” Families (formerly BETA Family module) to EVERYONE. According to their own blog/FAQ, and posted here as well, this “roll out” is available to ANYONE that is level 25 or greater! Hardly any Beta Testing that is done in a much smaller, more intimate (for reporting bugs etc.) manner!

    What is the REAL “story?” There are NUMEROUS issues with “in game” Families, and REAL players want REAL information.

    Our experience “in game” is DIFFERENT than what is posted here, which appears to be more of a Zynga Press Release passed on through this, and other mainstream MW blogs and sites. I know y’all are very hard working, active, honest and concerned about the “in game” of Mafia Wars, however experience “in game” remains our “facts.”

    An aside, is there any way to VIEW a complete LIST of ALL current “in game” Mafia Wars Families, at any time, by any player, to see their overall stats, info, etc? Apparently NOT, again by practice/experience “in game,” and I wonder was this overlooked or intentional? It is important to be able to “see the whole playing field” and find out “who’s who” in order to play as “in game” Families. Additionally, it looks like new “in game” Families are being added at break-neck speed, and NOT having the ability to VIEW this rapidly becoming massive LIST, is troubling to “in game” Families, where each “in game” Family is now playing as an “in game” coordinated team (versus the outside the game coordination via FB, SKYPE, XAT Chat and other avenues.) Simple fact: A team needs to “know” the other teams in the league. . .capisci?

    Looking forward to helping improve the play of “in game” and thanks for listening!

    DHM (in red) Bklyn DHM™ Die Hard Mafia
    Admin/Boss & Minister of Information

    Comment by rickyladhmadmin | June 12, 2011 | Reply

  3. PAC….You do not represent the majority of MW players. You really screwed the pooch on this one.
    Just tell them to get rid of the families in game, we can do it better without them or you.

    Comment by Bob | June 10, 2011 | Reply

  4. NICE I get hundreds of emails a day so sorry if I didn’t get back to right away. I will look for it now and answer you privately. But there is no need to tear me apart over it.

    Comment by johnsweeney09 | June 10, 2011 | Reply

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