Facebook & Zynga Blog

A No Holds Barred Approach.

Facebook Is Deleting Pages At Alarming Rate Without Saying Why To Page Owners


So once again Facebook is at it again this time deleting Fan Pages and Business Pages with out giving any reason why. to the page owners who have worked very hard over the years to build up their pages. 

In 2007, Facebook launched their fan pages component, which allowed Facebook users to create fan pages for all types of interests and purposes.

You can create pages for small businesses, fan pages to bring fans of a certain character or superhero together, or simply to post/share content you enjoy with others. 

Within the past few weeks, Facebook has eliminated thousands of pages for no apparent reason, and has yet to issue an official explanation for their actions. I can assure you that many, if not all, of the pages eliminated were not erased for standard/regular reasons (fake traffic, spam, etc).

This was a removal of thousands of pages with at least 100 million fans in total (all active users and real people) and as I said, no formal notice or explanation has been given by Facebook.


The reason this is news is not simply because Facebook made a massive page sweep/purge and didn’t say anything. It is because the page owners behind these pages, many of whom have been building them for 5 years plus, suddenly had their entire followings and fan bases removed from their lives for no reason and they just don’t know what to do or who to complain to.  


There are thousands of page owners terribly upset, especially because they have been left in the dark as to why this happened. Additionally, many page owners used their pages to generate income in legitimate ways. Selling merchandise and posting Facebook-approved sponsored links are a couple popular examples.

This is a case of a few clicks by a development team at a major tech company resulting in thousands of individuals and families experiencing a direct loss of income, not to mention the enjoyment and ability of simply sharing content you like with others.

Now I know a lot of you will be saying good less crap in the news feed. Guess what Facebook has already limited page reach over the past few years so that is not the reason. Also they have deleted all types of pages ranging from funny joke pages to pages that support Autism and yes even Band Pages. NO PAGE IS SAFE RIGHT NOW. 

This also not the first time that Facebook has done this last year they did the same thing to 1000’s and page owners back then never got their pages back or a reason why their page deleted. The Daily Dot was the only one to report on it back in August

This time page owners are fighting back. One irate page owner has started a group called #POWERTOTHEPAGES and has even started a petition trying to get enough people to sign it and try and get a proper answer for the page PURGE and their pages back. 


Page owners deserve better and deserve answers. Some people have lost their very livelihood and some people are disabled or even single mothers trying to make a few dollars to support their families by selling their homemade products or even Avon. Yes they don’t discriminate. they hit everyone because they don’t have people doing the deleting they have computers that do it. 

I have contacted Facebook for an answer on this issue but have not received an answer. Of course they never do give answers on why they do things and that is the problem. They are not a privately held company anymore. This is a publicly traded company and they should be held accountable now but it is business as usual there.

Don’t believe me look at all the criticism they went through during the years suppressing Conservative stories, harassing mothers who breastfeed and the list goes on and don’t get me started on the privacy issues. 

So I am asking you all to get the word out to all the people and press you know and lets try to have Facebook held accountable and give page owners the answers they deserve. YES I AM ONE OF THE PAGE OWNERS. 

November 18, 2016 Posted by | Blogs | , , , , | 1 Comment